Friday, March 13, 2009

Lists of Necessary Items for a New Baby

Most new parents feel exciting when having a new baby. They are more anxious and get nervous every time their baby cries. But there is nothing to be worried as the crying of baby is just a basic instinctive communication. Generally, the main reason that most babies cry is to try to express a variety of feeling including hunger (i.e. a baby is usually hungry when he or she rouses from sleep, etc.), discomfort, over stimulation, boredom, or loneliness. So, whenever your baby cries, you would have to carefully check what exact meaning of his or her cry and rush to fulfill his or her requirement accordingly. (Babies cry and parents respond.)

Here below are some of necessary items for your new baby :

First of all, keep in mind that the only one thing that your newborn to 12 months old wants is just you. Besides, warmth, breast milk and touch are also necessary. So, the simple way to take care your baby is Breastfeeding. You can give him every time when he or she wants. Following your instincts is the best way to meet your baby’s needs. It’s very natural to do so and it’s a great time for you and your baby. He or she will love to hear you hum gently and speak to him or her. Besides, breastfeeding is very useful for your baby health.

However, if, in case, breastfeeding is not possible or desired, bottle feeding maybe done with expressed breast-milk or with infant formula.

Secondly, baby clothes should be simple and comfortable. You may choose clothes that are made of natural cotton, silk or wool fiber which allow the skin to breath for the baby. Your baby will be free to move comfortably in these and they allow for easy nappy changes.

Generally, a baby up to a year should wear a solf cap also. But, shoes are not necessary as your baby won’t be walking much before a year.

As your baby grows, food supplements should be added and carefully considered. Moreover, your child need more sleep than adults up to 18 hours for newborn babies, with declining rates as the child ages. Bassinet or crib should be carefully considered for his or her comforting and sleeping well…. Once your baby is able to roll over by himself or herself, at three or four months of age, it is no longer safe for the baby to be left in a bassinet as he or she could tip himself or herself out, so your baby must use an infant bed instead.

When your child is toilet-trained, which is mostly between the ages of two or four, you may look for an attractive potty-chair for your child.

When your child learn to walk, you may think about baby strollers, whenever you would like to take him or her outside.

As you would see, there are a lot of works to do indeed, but these are just only a few necessary items for a new baby. Enormous of works are waiting for you! Good Luck!

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