Monday, May 24, 2010

10 Great Books to Read to Your Child before Bedtime

Generally, the most difficult time of day for many babies and little children is the time to fall asleep.  It seems so hard to settle down and the world is rather dark and scary for them indeed.  That's why they do not want to go to sleep earlier.

As to create a better arrangement, I think reading is one of the most important factors to calm your child's heart to fall asleep more easily and sleep more soundly.  There are a lot of bedtime reading which you will find here below 10 great books to read to your child before bedtime.

1Pat the Bunny (Touch and Feel Book)

2Baby Danced the Polka

3The going-to-bed book

4Sleep Tight!  (Blanket Babies)

5Little Sheep, time to sleep! (Sweet Talking')

6Kiss Good Night (Sam Books)

7Where Wild Babies Sleep

8Nighty Night, Sleepy Sleeps

9Spot Sleeps over (color)

10Sleep tight!  (Super Street Book)

I do believe that your child will be satisfied when you read the books aloud to him/her before bedtime.  Besides, he/she will certainly enjoy those stories with a lot of lovable illustration as delightful bedtime tales.  I can guarantee you that those books are so great to read to your child before bedtime indeed.

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