Sunday, November 13, 2016

Tips for Encouraging your Child to Read

Some children do not like to read. This problem may be difficult for some parents to solve.  Does your child like to read?  If no, encouraging your child to read is quite easy if you follow my tips.

* Choose picture books that have beautiful places which look exotic or different from the places where you stay and tell stories or add interesting information about those places to your child.  This will make your child more fun in reading and learning about the world that he/she has not ever seen or known.

* Give your child rewards such as his/her favorite desserts if he/she can finish reading for one book.  This will encourage him/her to take more time in reading.

* While reading the stories to your child, you may change your voices according to the characters of the cartoons.  This can attract your child's attention to listen your story until the end and better understanding about the whole stories.  You may ask your child what will happen next.  This will help your child create his/her own imagination.

* You may use puppets or his favorite dolls to imitate or act as the cartoon characters in the books.  This can keep your child entertained with the amazing stories in the books.

* Take your child to the places that have the similar atmosphere as the fairy tales; i.e. amusement park, etc.  This will help encourage your child to read the books again when he/she comes back home.

* Take your child to see the fairy tales show.  This will make your child fun and enjoy the show which is similar to the stories in the books he/she had read. 

* Take your child to the bookstores that have activities area for children.  You may let your child be participated in the activities that the bookstores held.  This will help your child love more books.

By these tips, your child will gradually learn to know that reading books is enjoyable, so he/she will start reading books by himself/herself and love reading soon.

Cr. Pic.

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